quantized field中文什么意思

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  1. Intrinsic decoherence of entanglement of a single quantized field interacting with a two - level atom
  2. The casimir energy can be considered as the polarization of the vacuum energy of quantized fields due to the distortion caused by the presence of boundaries , curvature of the space - time manifold or some background fields
  3. By calculating the feynman diagram in rtf , we find that when taking into account both the thermal photon emission , absorption and the virtual photon exchange processes , the infrared divergences at zero and finite temperature can be cancelled at the same time . the full quantum calculation results for soft photon radiation coincide completely with the poisson distribution obtained in the semiclassical approximation ( the coupling of the classical current and quantized field )


  1. quantized collector 什么意思
  2. quantized computer 什么意思
  3. quantized data 什么意思
  4. quantized error 什么意思
  5. quantized feedback 什么意思
  6. quantized field theory 什么意思
  7. quantized filed theory 什么意思
  8. quantized frequency modulation 什么意思
  9. quantized interaction 什么意思
  10. quantized interval 什么意思


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